Monday, November 13, 2006

World War II and the Vietnam War

Most people in the world know a little bit about these two wars. If you have access to the internet there are almost unlimited sites as to where you can find out some information on this subject.In the novel Slaughter House Five by Kurt Vonnegut these two wars are incorporated into the text. In the Vietnam War it was seen as a mistake in the account of the president. There were less casualties in this war than in WWII. Most of the people that died in the Vietnam war died from diseases like malaria. However WWII was one of the wars that ended the genocide of the Jewish people and the nazi rule over Germany. WWII was seen as an honorable war and was consdered one of the best wars considering the amount of people that were killed fighting for the freedom of people who had literally no control over thier lives due to HITLER.

About Me
>> Full name: Kathleen Anne Kane
>> Birthday: March 26, 1989
>> Filipino // Irish // German
>> Brunette, brown eyes
>> 5'5"...wishing she were taller

Blah blah